Meeting called to order by Ira McDonald at 3pm US EDT 31 October 2007.
Minutes taken by Ira McDonald.
- Ira - started this week as full-time consultant at Samsung - but Samsung not funding public standards work by Ira
- See minutes at: - Discussion - Approved as written
- See latest agenda at: - Discussion - none - ACTION - Call-in to LF Summit in Tokyo, if possible - see Till's note
- See Glen's recently posted draft spec in the directory: in the file: opPrinterDriver-PrinterValidationApplication-v00.01.00.txt - Discussion - Same directory path layout as for print drivers w/ new root - Test document will be imbedded in source code of PDV application - Glen will contribute reference implementation (OP MIT license) - Concensus - PDVPA is short-term higher priority than Thin-Thread - ACTION - All - review and comment on Glen's first draft spec - Glen - proceed with coding
- Note - Daylight Time ends: a) Europe 28 October; b) US 4 November. 12:00-1:00 PM US Pacific time 1:00-2:00 PM US Mountain time 3:00-4:00 PM US Eastern time 8:00-9:00 PM Western European time USA Toll-free Number: 866-312-6342 Toll Number: 763-391-6805 Conference Code: 582 658 5482# If any problems occur with the main number (above), please use: Free Conference Backup Number: 712-580-0600 Conference Code: 839473#
- Note - This is the week after the US Thanksgiving holiday