SUSPENSION - OP Architecture teleconferences are temporarily suspended (due to low participation in recent months) MEETING TIME - Possible new times for better participation are: 4pm EST Wednesday (one hour later) 2pm, 3pm, or 4pm EST Tuesday ACTION - ALL - Send email on availability at new times
Meeting called to order by Ira McDonald at 3pm US EST 9 January 2008.
Minutes taken by Ira McDonald.
- See minutes at: - Discussion - None
- See Till's summary of results at: - Discussion - Till - Next OP Japan summit with Linux Foundation in March - several planning teleconferences in late February/early March - Till - Printing Dialog - see below
- Discussion - Till - Need to write specification in February - Till - Change meeting in Europe to March (from February)
- Discussion - Glen - no new status (just returned from holidays)
- Location in Europe? (PWG SC favors this idea) - no discussion
- Discussion - OP Arch telecon SUSPENDED temporarily due to low participation - NEW meeting time - see top of minutes - ACTION - All - send email reply with availability at proposed new times