Meeting called to order by Ira McDonald at 7pm US EDT 2 June 2008.
Minutes taken by Ira McDonald.
- Norm - Foomatic PPD tarball problem - Till - to be resolved - OP Process/1.0 - needs small update - substitute Open Printing for FSG and change icons - change icons - Discussion - Concensus - no change to substance of OP Process/1.0 - ACTION - Glen Petrie - revise Word source and publish new PDF - remove any obsolete FSG URLs - keep PWG FTP URLs
- Brief highlights for planning July Open Printing meeting - Otani uploaded PDF Filters package to Source Forge - ubuntu 7.10, fedora 7, fedora 8 - Till - will integrate into Ubuntu - CUPS Filters - sent email to Michael Sweet - Mike will make a page of the CUPS Filters on - OP Japan waiting for response from Mike - GSoC student - pdftoijs and texttopdf filters - Till - student is now developing these filters
- Brief highlights for planning July Open Printing meeting - Till - pushed forward at Ubuntu Developer Summit in Prague (2 weeks ago) - Common Print Dialog - Automatic download of printer drivers - PDF instead of PostScript as standard print job transfer form - Till - found contacts at Ubuntu Summit and Linux Tag for PDF workflow - and KDE/Qt folks are now informed - GNOME/GTK to follow soon - Till - Lars Ubernickel is working on the DBUS API for plugging in dialog - Till - issue - Printing Dialog API -> PDAPI (already used by OPVP) - Ira - suggest Common Print Dialog API -> CPAPI - Tuesday 8 July 9:30am-5:00pm - Linux Foundation office in Tokyo - Agenda Topics - Peter Sikking - Common Print Dialog - demonstration - Till Kamppeter - Open Printing Report - Austin Summit, GSoC, PDF, etc. - other sessions TBD - face-to-face meeting this week in Japan - ACTION - Toratani-san - names and companies (not emails) of attendees on Wiki
- Discussion - Glen - scope - what kind of printers? - Norm - all - inkjet, laser, etc. - No further discussion
- PWG WIMS WG has developed CIM Printing classes (translated Printer MIB) - Two implementations needed for DMTF to move from Experimental to Final - Rick Landau (Dell, co-editor CIM Printing) - now prototyping - can probably release algorithms (but not code) from Dell prototype - Nancy Chen (Okidata) - suggests a PWG CIM Printing open source project - perhaps some PWG members would fund development? - Ira - suggests PWG collaborate with Open Printing - Ira would mentor implementors (Ira wrote CIM Printing MOF classes) - Till - Open Printing web/wiki support - Till could provide infrastructure support (e.g., set up bug tracking) - ACTION - Ira - write email describing this project and the contacts in PWG and OP - do before OP Japan face-to-face meeting this week
- Monday 14 July 2008, Evening - US/Europe 4pm in San Francisco - US PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) 5pm in Colorado - US MDT (Mountain Daylight Time) 6pm in Chicago - US CDT (Central Daylight Time) 7pm in New York - US EST (Eastern Daylight Time) - Tuesday 15 July 2008, Morning - Europe 1am in Berlin - CEST (Central European Summer Time) - Japan 8am in Japan - JST (Japan Standard Time) Toll Free (866) 839-8145 Int'l (865) 524-6352 ACCESS Code: 7548766
- Monday 4 August 2008, Evening - US - Tuesday 5 August 2008, Morning - Japan/Europe