PWG Prototyping Policy - October 29, 2012 (editor: Abstract This policy document clarifies the prototyping requirements in the PWG Standards Development Process 3.0 document by formally defining the acceptable ways to disclose a prototype to the PWG and requiring PWG working groups to define what level of prototyping is required to advance a working draft to PWG Last Call and Formal Vote. This version is available in the directory: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PWG Prototyping Policy (Normative) Section 4.6 of the PWG Standards Development Process v3.0 requires that a specification MUST has at least one prototype implementation before it can advance to the Stable status and go through PWG Last Call and Formal Vote. An individual, organization, or vendor can provide notice of prototyping by: 1. Posting a prototype implementation on a publicly accessible web site, 2. Presenting a prototype implementation or slides at a PWG face-to-face meeting, 3. Sending a notice of prototyping to the WG mailing list, e.g., "Your Company Name has prototyped (the required elements of/all of) the specification and discovered no issues/the following issues," or 4. Sending a notice of prototyping to two or more PWG or WG officers of your choice. The officers receiving such a notice MUST then send a short, anonymous notice of prototyping to the WG mailing list, e.g., "A company/organization/individual has prototyped (the required elements of/all of) the specification and discovered no issues/the following issues." Each PWG working group MUST set guidelines for prototyping, such as what parts of the specification need to be prototyped in order to ensure that a specification is ready for implementation, e.g., "all required elements".