Alan Sukert (Xerox, PWG Vice Chair, IDS WG Chair) sent his regrets today.
This meeting was announced and chaired by Smith Kennedy.
These minutes were prepared by Ira McDonald with much help from Smith Kennedy.
- Review agenda and state PWG IP Policy - Ira McDonald as minute taker - Revised Agenda: (1) Administrivia (2) Welcome Jessica O'Hanlon - new ISTO Program Manager (3) PWG Officer election process - Smith (4) PWG Process 4.0 (5) AWS liaison agreement review - Paul (6) AMSC Phase 2 Kickoff highlights - Paul and Ira (7) November F2F - agenda and event prep - Smith (8) PWG liaison news - Smith and Jessica (9) Next SC meetings (back in cadence)
- IPR declaration - Roll call - Review minutes of SC on 3 August 2017 - Approved as posted
- Discussion - Thanks Jessica!
- Discussion - All officers have expressed willingness to continue for another term - Re-election will occur during October - need to send out announcement - Jessica wondered if we have our own by-laws or if we are using ISTO by-laws - PWG operates under ISTO by-laws - PWG Process 3.0 says election will occur before start of September - Process 4.0 will adjust this, because we don't have 6 meetings/year anymore - Jessica is interested in the PWG updating to Process 4.0 to reduce risk of not following our own processes, and PWG SC agrees with Jessica - Jessica offered to help us w/ Process 4.0 updates - Smith and Ira explained the use of Policy documents to augment Process 3.0ACTION: Smith to send out a "closing date" for PWG officer nominations to pwg-announce - the decision will be made in October
- Discussion - Brainstorming / discussion of what needs to be added or modified - Intellectual Property Rights - separate document - leave it *alone* - Election process - Process 4.0 to define a framework, including Policy document process - Definition of officer roles and tasks - PWG officer roles, PWG Workgroup officer roles - Let separate Policy documents cover details - Earlier discussion of PWG Process 4.0 from plenary slides, draft documents, email dialogs, etc.
- Discussion - Discussion in this SC meeting about how Paul should fill out form for AWS, to ensure that we aren't overcommitting or over-engaging the PWG - Paul discussed this at America Makes with the AWS rep (at adjacent table) and there is an AWS way to get "advisor status", which allows the "advisor" to be basically a non-voting observer, to avoid the IPR issues that might mess up the role the PWG wants to play - AMSC thinks it knows what is coming out in the AWS D20.1 spec that is soon to be ratified - If PWG could examine this D20.1 draft, then that would help the PWG in its efforts to help AMSC to better understand how capabilities description might actually work - ANSI members have seen D20.1, but PWG hasn't, and we want to see it too, so that we can decide whether D20.1 is actually helpful in this discussion about characterizing capabilities and job ticketing - Bill pointed out that even if the PWG achieves this advisor status, we will still have a problem "expressing" our opinion about D20.1 publicly, because our PWG documents are totally public but we'd be commenting on a closed AWS document - Our slide set would need to be sanitized of any terms used in the AWS D20.1 spec - Won't we have a similar problem communicating info back to the PWG from IEEE P3030? - Could Paul ask the "unbelievers" to provide their "capabilities data" (i.e., the "NIST list") and then go through an exercise of modeling that in terms of potential IPP attributesACTION: Paul to write back to his AWS contact a discussion of what PWG is actually trying to do, and decide on an appropriate path forward, because it isn't clear that getting the PWG to have "advisor status" will help liaison
- Discussion - Deferred until next SC meeting
- Discussion - Deferred until next SC meeting
- Discussion - P3030: Michael Kipness pulled in and continuing (slow) progress on possibly getting PWG observer presence in this IEEE group - Smith has tried to join P3030 for over a year now, with zero success or even email replies from the P3030 chair - Smith to follow up with email response - ASTM: Nothing back so far following alerting them to the change from Jane to Jessica as ISTO Program Manager for PWG - 3MF Consortium: Nothing back so far following alerting them to the change from Jane to Jessica as ISTO Program Manager for PWG
- SC - Thursday 28 September 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern - regular topics - SC - Thursday 12 October 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern - regular topics