Meeting called to order by Ira McDonald at 1pm US Eastern. Minutes taken by Ira McDonald.
Recording of this conference call may be archived at:
- Lots of new participants and discussion on the GitHub repository - Sahil is leading the project and managing the commits - The OP website renovation will probably complete in April or May 2019
*** Joint PWG/OP Summit (Lexmark Host) - 16-18 April 2019 *** - Ira plans to attend in person - by driving from Southeast MI to Lexington, KY - Till plans to attend in person - Danny plans to call in - Aveek (GSoC 2019) plans to call in - Michael Vrhel (Artifex, Ghostscript/muPDF) plans to attend in person - Sean Kau (Google, Chrome OS) plans to attend in person
- Ubuntu 19.04 "Disco Dingo" release milestones - DONE - Feature freeze 21 February 2019 - UI freeze 14 March 2019 - Kernel freeze 1 April 2019 - Ubuntu 19.04 release 18 April 2019
- We are continuing to move OP repositories to GitHub - See OP website renovation notes above
- Moved to new upstream home - No updates
- Avahi - Avahi is very important for driverless IPP Print, Scan, Fax, and System Service, but also for the OS and other major applications in general. - Trent Lloyd is one of the two original authors of Avahi (the other is Lennart Poettering), which makes it more difficult to take this project away from Trent. - Till was recently in a Canonical meeting for a week where the different engineering teams of Canonical meet. At that meeting, Till met Trent in person and talked with him about the Avahi issue and Trent said it is no problem for him to merge the patch. Till met Trent on the first day of that meeting and Trent promised to still apply the patch during the meeting week (but he did not). - Now Till has sent two weekly reminder e-mails, but Trent did not even answer. - So at the April OpenPrinting Summit we must see with the Google guys how they will do the ippusbxd and Printer Applications (local discovery) on Chrome OS and perhaps take over this development work to Linux. - Kurt Pfeifle (kurt dot pfeifle at gmail dot com, the person who made Till find CUPS back in 2000 (and becoming OP Manager), wrote on the OpenPrinting mailing list: ---------- On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 1:17 AM Solomon Peachy <> wrote: On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 10:26:29PM +0100, Till Kamppeter wrote: > By the way, who is the original author of Avahi? None other than Lennart Pottering. :) - Solomon ---------- - But this is not correct. - Avahi was initially created by Trend Lloyd in early 2004. Trent was certainly inspired by Apple's Bonjour, which unfortunately was not initally Open Source, so there was a strong motivation to implement a FOSS ZeroConf stack, since all of the relevant specs (mDNS + DNS-SD) were already there in the IETF, and open. - Later that same year Lennart Poettering started a similar project to implement mDNS/DNS-SD functionality called "FlexMDNS". - Both projects united and merged their code bases sometime in 2005. Although Till has no idea which of the two authors wrote more lines of code that still exists in today's code base, Poettering surely had a heavy impact on today's Avahi. - Apple released Bonjour as Open Source software under the Apache License in 2006. - Avahi's name certainly was Trent's decision, and he started his implementation half a year before Poettering. - Poettering's last commit into Avahi's GitHub code was in Sept 2012. Trent's last commit was in late February 2019. The last time Trent merged a major pull request was in August 2018. See - According to Trent now works for Canonical.
- CUPS source code and bug reports are handled on GitHub now - - CUPS Summary (Till) - Current stable release is CUPS 2.2.10. - No new releases. - CUPS 2.3b7 (14 December 2018) was a bug fix release that solved some minor issues of CUPS 2.3b6. There is no CUPS 2.2.x counterpart to it. - CUPS 2.2.10 (7 December 2018) was a bug fix release that solved a security issue and several other bugs, mostly related to driverless IPP printing. - CUPS Filters Summary (Till) - Current release is CUPS Filters v1.22.1. - Bug fix release, mainly to let the get-printer-attributes IPP requests for auto-generating PPD files for driverless IPP printing use the same attributes as CUPS uses. There are also some small enhancements for Braille support. - Changes planned for CUPS Filters release v1.22.2 (Till) - cups-browsed: Do not do IPP request for printer-is-shared option for remote cups queues with CUPS 2.2.x and newer (Pull request #91). - cups-browsed: Fix crash bug when reading "Cluster" directive from configuration file (Issue #94). - driverless: Updated man page as now also Mopria and Wi-Fi Direct printers are supported. Mentioned also ippusbxd.
- Progress on GSoC 2017 and 2018 unfinished projects - Till says progress continues on finishing former GSoc projects - see CUPS Filters. - F2F meeting of OP GSoC students - Aveek and decided to organise a F2F meeting with OP GSoC 2017/2018/2019 students. - F2F meeting of OP GSoC students September 2019 in India, since most OP GSoC students are from India.
- GSoC 2019 Schedule - DONE - 15 January - Mentoring organizations *begin* submitting applications to Google - DONE - 6 February - Mentoring organization application deadline - DONE - 6-25 February - Google program administrators review organization applications - DONE - 26 February - List of accepted mentor orgs published - Linux Foundation accepted! - 26 February to 25 March - Potential students discuss ideas with mentoring organizations - 25 March - Student application period begins - 9 April - Student application deadline - 6 May - Accepted student proposals announced - 6-27 May - Students get to know mentors, read documentation, get up to speed to begin - 27 May - Coding officially begins! - 24 June - Mentors and students can begin submitting Phase 1 evaluations - 28 June - Phase 1 Evaluation deadline - 22 July - Mentors and students can begin submitting Phase 2 evaluations - 26 July - Phase 2 Evaluation deadline - 19-26 August - Students submit final work product and their final mentor evaluation - 26 August to 2 September - Mentors submit final student evaluations - 3 September - Final results of Google Summer of Code 2019 announced - October - Mentor Summit at Google - GSoC 2019 Summary - The org application of the Linux Foundation is submitted and on 26 February 2019 we will know whether Linux Foundation got accepted by Google. - Aveek has started to search for and interview GSoC 2019 OP students. - Aveek says that we should be very strict w/ accepting other Linux Foundation projects and mentors, based on last year's experience. - According to Google, the project idea list is very important for a mentor organization to be accepted in GSoC 2019. - Central point will be the Printer Applications deprecating the classic Printer (and Scanner) drivers of CUPS filters and PPDs (or SANE modules). - Printer Applications can also be used to easily get distribution-independent driver packages when packaging them as a snap. Due to the network-style communication (ipp://localhost:<port>/...) with CUPS no special snap interfaces are needed. - Since the OP website renovation will not complete before the start of the mentoring organization application window, because we are applying as the Linux Foundation (and not as OpenPrinting) anyway, the main page of the idea list and the group pages of all non-OpenPrinting groups will have to be at their old locations anyway. So it is no problem to create our OpenPrinting idea list at the old website location for now, too - migrating already. - As soon as we complete our OP website renovation, we will maintain our OpenPrinting project ideas on our new website, adding a link that project idea management has moved to our new idea page on the old (Linux Foundation) website and also change the link on the main page of the Linux Foundation's GSoC participation. - GSoC 2019 Project Ideas (1) Generic Framework to turn legacy drivers consisting of CUPS filters and PPDs into Printer Applications. (2) Create a Printer Application out of Foomatic. (3) Create Printer Applications from HPLIP, foo2zjs, Gutenprint, ... (4) Create Printer Applications for arbitrary SANE-supported Scanners to make them available as driverless IPP network scanners. This would allow for easily making distribution-independent Scanner driver packages. (5) Create a SANE driver for IPP Scanners, so that Linux applications can use IPP network scanners. Until the hardware manufacturers have provide appropriate devices, this driver will serve for using the Scanner drivers of (4) above. (6) IPP: Linux GUI application (can be part of GNOME printer tool) to administer MFD devices using IPP System Service. (7) cups-filters: pdftoraster filter needs to be done without need of unstable Poppler APIs. (8) IPP: ipptool test suite for IPP System Service. ipptool is a command line tool for issuing IPP requests and receiving printer's/server's responses. ipptool is maintained as free software in the ippsample collection from the IEEE-ISTO Printer Working Group (PWG). ipptool is used for development and debugging of IPP-related software and for PWG self-certification for IPP Everywhere printers for driverless printing. Develop additional ipptool test scripts for all new operations, objects, attributes defined in IPP System Service v1.0 (e.g., Create-Printer). (9) IPP: ipptool test suite updates for IPP Everywhere v1.1. ipptool is a command line tool for issuing IPP requests and receiving printer's/server's responses. ipptool is maintained as free software in the ippsample collection from the IEEE-ISTO Printer Working Group (PWG). ipptool is used for development and debugging of IPP-related software and for PWG self-certification for IPP Everywhere printers for driverless printing. Develop additional ipptool test scripts for all new operations, objects, attributes required for compliance with IPP Everywhere v1.1 (e.g., Identify-Printer). Note: With (4) and (5) we would get the very first use of the IPP Scan Service standard, even before the hardware industry picks it up. It would also be a sample implementation of both ends (Client and Server) of the IPP standard.
*** Joint PWG/OP Summit (Lexmark Host) in Lexington, KY - 16-18 April 2019 *** - - (registration survey) - PWG Virtual F2F (PWG Host) - 13-14 February 2019 - - - - - - - Status of AMSC and ISO liaisons w/ PWG (Paul Tykodi) - - - - - Paul attended 27 February 2019 ISO meeting in New York City (report pending) - How to Print Using the IPP - Published - - - - - published 17 January 2019 - IPP Authentication Methods (Smith) - Best Practice - Interim draft - - PWG F2F discussion in February 2019 - PWG Last Call ended 28 February 2019 - 10 responses, 5 with comments - Last Call Review Comments (LCRC) at IPP WG on 14 March 2019 or later - Schedule - PWG Formal Vote Q1/Q2 2019 - PWG Safe G-Code (Mike) - Stable draft - - PWG F2F discussion in February 2019 - PWG Last Call ended 28 February 2019 - 9 responses, 2 with comments - Last Call Review Comments (LCRC) at IPP WG on 14 March 2019 or later - Schedule - PWG Formal Vote Q1/Q2 2019 - IPP 3D Printing Extensions 1.1 (Mike) - Stable draft - - PWG F2F discussion in February 2019 - Schedule - IPP WG Last ended 15 February 2019 - PWG Call for Objections ends 29 March 2019 - Schedule - Publication as PWG Candidate Standard in Q2 2019 - IPP Everywhere Self-Certification - PWG 5100.20-2016 - Active - cs-ippeveselfcert10-20160219-5100.20.pdf - IPP Everywhere 1.0 Self-Certification Manual 1.0 - Q1 2016 - - 365 IPP Everywhere printers currently certified! - IPP Everywhere Printer Self-Certification 1.0 Update 3 - 9 November 2018 - - - The Windows installer no longer depends on Visual Studio DLLs. - The tools have been updated to incorporate the bug fixes from CUPS 2.2.5 through 2.2.9. - The document tests now support the new PWG Raster sample files. - The test scripts now use an exact match for the printer�s DNS-SD name. - IPP Everywhere 1.1 (Mike) - Stable draft - - PWG F2F discussion in February 2019 - Defer IPP WG last call until self-cert beta tools are finalized - Schedule - Stable drafts/beta tools in Q1/Q2 2019 - IPP Everywhere 1.1 Self-Certification Manual 1.1 (Mike) - Prototype draft - - PWG F2F discussion in February 2019 - Defer IPP WG last call until self-cert beta tools are finalized - If we use Github to host the PWG website, how to submit printers? - Consensus - Mike to update to separate submission process from self-cert process - Stable URL for submissions (backport to 1.0 tools/process) - Just need the tool for generating the JSON - Schedule - Stable drafts/beta tools in Q1/Q2 2019 - IPP System Service (Mike/Ira) - Prototype draft - - PWG F2F review in February 2019 - Prototyping tasks being tracked as a Github project in "ippserver" - Schedule - Stable draft and PWG Last Call in Q2 2019 - PWG MFD Alerts (Ira) - Stable draft - - PWG F2F review in February 2019 - Need to add "changes" sections, will address in IPP WG last call comments - IPP WG Last Call ends 14 March 2019 - Schedule - PWG Last Call in Q2 2019 - IPP Document Object v1.1 (Mike) - Prototype draft - - PWG F2F review in February 2019 - Need to add DEPRECATED and OBSOLETE terminology definitions - Prototyping tasks being tracked as a Github project in "ippserver" - Schedule - Stable draft and IPP WG Last Call in Q1 2019 - IPP Job Extensions v1.1 (Mike) - Prototype draft - - IPP WG review in February 2019 - Need to add DEPRECATED and OBSOLETE terminology definitions - Added Cancel-Jobs, Cancel-My-Jobs, and Close-Job operations to this spec - Schedule - Stable draft and IPP WG Last Call in Q1 2019 - IPP Enterprise Printing Extensions v2.0 (formerly Job and Printer Extensions) (Smith) - - PWG F2F review in February 2019 - Proposal - Obsolete original JPS2 entirely (undesirable attributes/definitions) - New spec named "IPP Enterprise Printing Extensions v2.0" (note the version) - New registrations for loose ends - Focus on Enterprise Printing use cases - Discussion on the IPP mailing list to determine which content stays, which content moves, and which content is deprecated or obsoleted - Moved Cancel-Jobs, Cancel-My-Jobs, and Close-Job operations to the JPS v1.1 errata update - Schedule - Prototype draft Q3 2019 - IPP Encrypted Jobs and Documents (Mike/Smith) - Interim draft - - PWG F2F discussion in February 2019 - Schedule - Prototype draft in Q3 2019
- IETF 104 in Prague, Czech Republic - 23-29 March 2019 - Ira to call in - - IQPC Automotive Cybersecurity in Detroit, MI - 27-29 March 2019 - Ira as speaker - - SAE World Congress (WCX) in Detroit, MI - 10-12 April 2019 - Ira may attend - *** Joint PWG/OP Summit (Lexmark Host) - 16-18 April 2019 *** - - (registration survey) - IEEE 1609 in San Francisco Bay Area, CA - 23-24 April 2019 - Ira to call in - Trusted Computing Group in Warsaw, Poland - 10-13 June 2019 - Ira to call in - - ESCAR USA 2019 in Ypsilanti, MI - 12-13 June 2019 - Ira to attend - - UPTANE Workshop (Lear host) in Detroit, MI - 14 June 2019 - Ira to attend - - IETF 105 in Montreal, Canada - 20-26 July 2019 - Ira to call in - - PWG Virtual F2F (PWG Host) - 28-29 August 2019 -
Open Action Items
Next OP US/Europe/Brazil/India Conference Calls
- Tuesday 2 April 2019, Daytime - Note - EU CEST (Central Europe Summer Time) starts 31 March 2019 - Note - Joint PWG/OP Summit (Lexmark Host) in Lexington, KY - 16-18 April 2019 - Note - - Note - (registration survey) - web conference to be announced - US 10am in San Francisco - US PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) 11am in Colorado - US MDT (Mountain Daylight Time) 12am in Chicago - US CDT (Central Daylight Time) 1pm in New York - US EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) - Europe 7pm in Berlin - CEST (Central Europe Summer Time) - Brazil 2pm in Belo Horizonte - BRT (Brasilia Time) - India 10:30pm in New Delhi - IST (India Standard Time)
- Tuesday 7 May 2019, Daytime - web conference to be announced - US 10am in San Francisco - US PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) 11am in Colorado - US MDT (Mountain Daylight Time) 12am in Chicago - US CDT (Central Daylight Time) 1pm in New York - US EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) - Europe 7pm in Berlin - CEST (Central Europe Summer Time) - Brazil 2pm in Belo Horizonte - BRT (Brasilia Time) - India 10:30pm in New Delhi - IST (India Standard Time)
- Tuesday 4 June 2019, Daytime - web conference to be announced - US 10am in San Francisco - US PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) 11am in Colorado - US MDT (Mountain Daylight Time) 12am in Chicago - US CDT (Central Daylight Time) 1pm in New York - US EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) - Europe 7pm in Berlin - CEST (Central Europe Summer Time) - Brazil 2pm in Belo Horizonte - BRT (Brasilia Time) - India 10:30pm in New Delhi - IST (India Standard Time)