DMTF Change Request

DMTF Confidential

All changes to be submitted by the Working Group Chair (or designee) after approval by the working group.  

The Change Request sample ( contains more detailed
information on how to complete the template.

DMTF Change Request Number   [CIMCoreCR006655]


CR Owner Name, Email 
[My Name,]

Richard Landau,
Alliance Partner submitting CR request (if applicable)
Printer Working Group,
Alliance Partner vote history
(e.g. SNIA XYZ Approved on 8/12/06)
Alliance Partner identifier/tracking number (if available)

Errata   [Yes|No]


Short Description

Create class CIM_ImagingWorkStatisticalData

Spec, Document or Model(s) Being Changed
Network|Physical|Policy|Support|System|User ]


Spec, Document or Model Version Incorporating the Change  [2.16.0 Experimental | Final]

2.20 Experimental

Filename(s) Incorporating the Change
[Core/CIM_Container.mof, DSP0204.pdf]


Date Originated  [mm/dd/yyyy]


Date of Last Revision of the Change Request [mm/dd/yyyy]


Dependencies   [CIMCoreCR00555,CIMCoreCR00600,...]


The terminology used in this CR should conform to the "Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards", 5th Edition, 2005 available at:

Particular attention shall be paid to Annex H which lays out guidelines for the expression of provisions.

Background/Rationale (Explanation of the background and reason(s) for the requested change, and supporting documentation):

The concrete class CIM_ImagingWorkStatisticalData contains work counters (for accounting and billing) for imaging devices, services, jobs, and systems.  

The structure and properties of this family of classes derive directly from the Imaging State and Counter MIB, PWG Candidate Standard 5106.3-2008.  Early implementations are expected to be SNMP proxy providers using this MIB. 

Alliance Partner Status (tracking number, other key identifiers,  supporting documentation, etc.):

(insert text here)

Requested Change (Change information such as details before/after the change and/or references documents (other then MOF) if the changes are too lengthy to include inline):

// Create the class CIM_ImagingWorkStatisticalData.

MOF Changes (The complete CIM Class (ASCII) using blue text for new, red text for removed and black text for no change, only one CIM Class can be changed per CR):

// Copyright (c) 2008 DMTF. All rights reserved.
// ==================================================================
// CIM_ImagingWorkStatisticalData
// ==================================================================
[Experimental, Version ( "2.19.0" ),
UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Core::Statistics" ), Description (
"This class defines work counters (for accounting and billing) "
"ImagingStatisticalData associated with an imaging system "
"(e.g., ComputerSystem), imaging service (e.g., PrintService), "
"imaging device (e.g., Printer), imaging job (e.g., PrintJob), "
"or any other imaging element. \n"
"See: Section 4 Overview in PWG Counter MIB v2 (PWG 5106.3).")]

class CIM_ImagingWorkStatisticalData : CIM_ImagingStatisticalData {

[Description (
"Work type of this instance of ImagingWorkStatisticalData. \n"
"1 (Other) means vendor-specific work type and should not be "
"used (to avoid interoperability problems). \n"
"2 (Unknown) means unknown work type and should not be be "
"used (to avoid amgiguity in accounting applications). \n"
"3 (WorkTotals) means total counters across imaging element "
"execution modes (both user and maintenance). \n"
"4 (Datastream) means user datastream work (both control and "
"content) while this imaging element is in user mode. \n"
"5 (Auxiliary) means hardcopy auxiliary work (e.g., banner "
"sheets) while this imaging element is in user mode. \n"
"6 (Waste) means hardcopy waste work (e.g., process runout "
"or paper jams) while this imaging element is in user mode. "
"\n7 (Maintenance) means maintenance work (e.g., "
"calibration) while this imaging element is in maintenance "
ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", ".." },
Values { "Other", "Unknown", "WorkTotals", "Datastream",
"Auxiliary", "Waste", "Maintenance", "DMTF Reserved" },
MappingStrings {
uint16 WorkType;

[Description (
"A free-form string that describes the work type when the "
"the value of the WorkType property is equal to 1 (Other)."),
MinLen ( 0 ), MaxLen ( 255 ),
ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_ImagingWorkStatisticalData.WorkType"
string OtherWorkType;

[Description (
"Total images processed by this managed element (e.g., "
MappingStrings {
uint32 TotalImages;

[Description (
"Monochrome images processed by this managed element (e.g., "
MappingStrings {
"MIB.PWG|PWG-IMAGING-COUNTER-MIB.icImageMonochromeImages" }]
uint32 MonochromeImages;

[Description (
"Full color images processed by this managed element (e.g., "
MappingStrings {
uint32 FullColorImages;

[Description (
"Total hardcopy impressions from this managed element (e.g., "
"Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
"MIB.PWG|PWG-IMAGING-COUNTER-MIB.icImpressionTotalImps" }]
uint32 TotalImpressions;

[Description (
"Monochrome hardcopy impressions from this managed element "
"(e.g., Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
uint32 MonochromeImpressions;

[Description (
"Blank hardcopy impressions from this managed element (e.g., "
"Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
"MIB.PWG|PWG-IMAGING-COUNTER-MIB.icImpressionBlankImps" }]
uint32 BlankImpressions;

[Description (
"Full color hardcopy impressions from this managed element "
"(e.g., Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
"MIB.PWG|PWG-IMAGING-COUNTER-MIB.icImpressionFullColorImps" }]
uint32 FullColorImpressions;

[Description (
"Highlight color hardcopy impressions from this managed "
"element (e.g., Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
uint32 HighlightColorImpressions;

[Description (
"Total two-sided impressions from this managed element "
"(e.g., Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
uint32 TotalTwoSidedImpressions;

[Description (
"Monochrome two-sided impressions from this managed element "
"(e.g., Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
"MIB.PWG|PWG-IMAGING-COUNTER-MIB.icTwoSidedMonochromeImps" }]
uint32 MonochromeTwoSidedImpressions;

[Description (
"Blank two-sided impressions from this managed element "
"(e.g., Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
uint32 BlankTwoSidedImpressions;

[Description (
"Full color two-sided impressions from this managed element "
"(e.g., Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
uint32 FullColorTwoSidedImpressions;

[Description (
"Highlight color two-sided impressions from this managed "
"element (e.g., Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
uint32 HighlightColorTwoSidedImpressions;

[Description (
"Total media sheets consumed by this managed element (e.g., "
"Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
uint32 TotalSheets;

[Description (
"Monochrome media sheets consumed by this managed element "
"(e.g., Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
"MIB.PWG|PWG-IMAGING-COUNTER-MIB.icSheetMonochromeSheets" }]
uint32 MonochromeSheets;

[Description (
"Blank media sheets consumed by this managed element (e.g., "
"Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
uint32 BlankSheets;

[Description (
"Full color media sheets consumed by this managed element "
"(e.g., Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
uint32 FullColorSheets;

[Description (
"Highlight color media sheets consumed by this managed "
"element (e.g., Printer or PrintMarker)."),
MappingStrings {
uint32 HighlightColorSheets;

Discussion Points (Summary of decisions and discussions of the WG in creating this CR) :

Change History (Mandatory after submission to the TC, May be used by the WGs):



Short description of changes



Original version. 

Note that this document is labeled as "DMTF Confidential".  It is intended only for DMTF member companies and alliance partners.
This Change Request may be withdrawn or modified by subsequent Change Requests.

All submissions MUST comply with the DMTF Patent and Technology policy (

Template Version 2.0.1b
Copyright (C) 2007 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF). All rights reserved.