- Amitha (Konica Minolta, call-in) - Cihan Colakoglu (Independent, call-in) - Smith Kennedy (HP Inc, PWG Chair, call-in) - Jeremy Leber (Lexmark, PWG Vice-Chair, call-in) - Ira McDonald (High North, PWG Secretary, IPP WG Co-Chair, OP Chair, call-in) - Marc Mulders (Konica Minolta, call-in) - Michael Rhines (Qualcomm, call-in) - Anthony Suarez (Kyocera Document Solutions, call-in) - Alan Sukert (Independent, IDS WG Chair, call-in) - Mike Sweet (Lakeside Robotics, IPP WG Secretary, call-in) - Paul Tykodi (TCS, IPP WG Co-Chair, call-in) - Bill Wagner (TIC, former Cloud WG Chair, former WIMS WG Chair, call-in) - Uli Wehner (Ricoh, call-in) - Steven Young (Canon, call-in)
This meeting was announced and chaired by Smith Kennedy. This was a PWG Virtual F2F meeting with Zoom and Audio bridges. These minutes were prepared by Ira McDonald.
See slides at:
* Reviewed agenda and PWG IP Policy -- Ira McDonald as minute taker -- All times are US Eastern Standard Time (not Mountain Time) Tuesday 3 November 2020 10:00 � 11:15 PWG Plenary 11:15 � 11:30 IPP WG : Status 11:30 � 12:00 IPP WG : Job Accounting with IPP v1.0 12:00 � 12:30 Break / Lunch 12:30 � 1:00 IPP WG : INFRA Cloud Proxy Registration 1:00 � 1:30 IPP WG : IPP Production Printing Extensions v2.0 1:30 � 2:00 IPP WG : IPP Everywhere Evolution Wednesday 4 November 2020 10:00 � 12:00 IDS WG : Status and Discussion � PWG HCD Security Guidelines v1.0 12:00 � 12:30 Break / Lunch 12:30 � 2:00 IPP WG : IPP Enterprise Printing Extensions v2.0 Thursday 5 November 2020 10:00 � 12:00 IPP WG: Driverless Printing Extensions v2.0 12:00 � 12:30 Break / Lunch 12:30 � 1:45 IPP WG: 3D Printing Liaisons: Status & Guidance 1:45 � 2:00 IPP WG: Next Steps
-- PWG Chair: Smith Kennedy (HP Inc) -- PWG Vice-Chair: Jeremy Leber (Lexmark) -- PWG Secretary: Ira McDonald (High North) * Anyone interested in serving in a PWG Officer role? Reach out to chair@pwg.org!
- 28 members (27 voting, 1 non-voting)
* 2021 Meeting Schedule -- 9-11 February 2021: Virtual F2F -- 4-6 May 2021: Joint PWG/OpenPrinting - Virtual F2F -- 24-26 August 2021: Virtual F2F -- 8-10 November 2021: Virtual F2F * Contact chair@pwg.org if you are interested in hosting a PWG F2F event
* 625 Printers now certified! -- Lexmark registered its first 92 IPP Everywhere v1.1 certified products on 21 October! -- HP registered 121 new IPP Everywhere v1.0 certified products on 25-29 September! -- https://www.pwg.org/printers -- More on the way! * IPP Everywhere� Self Certification 1.0 Update 5 -- Released June 2020; approved August 2020 -- Valid for certification until 30 June 2021 * IPP Everywhere� Self Certification 1.1 Update 2 -- Released 7 October 2020; approved 22 October 2020 -- Mandatory for certification starting July 2021
* Planning for IPP Everywhere v2.0 has begun * Ideas? -- New Requirements -- IPv6 -- TLS 1.2 / 1.3 -- Discrete feature definitions? -- Others??? * More discussion later today in this November 2020 F2F
** Standards-Track ** * IPP Transaction Based Printing Extensions v1.1 - 27 March 2020 -- https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/candidates/cs-ipptrans11-20200327-5100.16.pdf ** Registrations ** * System Service Discovery Registration - 4 June 2020 -- https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/registrations/reg-ippsysdisc10-20200604.pdf
* Recent press releases -- INCITS TC / PWG Liaison Announcement -- Mopria / PWG Liaison Refresh -- General IPP announcement --- IPP System Service v1.0 --- IPP Transaction-Based Printing Extensions v1.1 --- IPP Label Printing Extensions v1.0 -- Recently approved 3D related PWG specifications --- IPP 3D Printing Extensions v1.1 --- PWG Safe G-Code Subset for 3D Printing v1.0
* Process v4.0 in development -- New draft posted -- Discussions ongoing * PWG Policy -- PWG IPP Registry Policy : 2020-05-18 -- PWG Namespace Policy : 2020-07-20 -- PWG Press Release Review Policy: 2020-09-08 -- PWG Roles and Responsibilities Policy : 2020-09-24 -- PWG Officer Elections : Draft in review -- PWG Network Infrastructure : Draft in review
* PWG on GitHub -- https://github.com/istopwg * IPP Sample -- https://github.com/istopwg/ippsample * IPP Everywhere� Self-Certification Tools -- https://github.com/istopwg/ippeveselfcert * IPP Registry -- https://github.com/istopwg/ippregistry * PWG Books: -- https://github.com/istopwg/pwg-books
*** IDS WG (Alan Sukert) - see Plenary slides
* Orignal Charter -- see Plenary slides * Officers -- IDS WG Chair: Alan Sukert (Independent) -- IDS WG Vice-Chair: TBD -- IDS WG Secretary: Alan Sukert (Independent) -- IDS WG Document Editors: Ira McDonald (High North) � HCD Security Guidelines * Current Charter -- https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ids/charter/ch-ids-charter-20190826.pdf --- To reflect development of HCD Security Guidelines by Ira * Current Status -- Focus now is on Common Criteria HCD Protection Profiles --- IDS Charter updated to focus the IDS WG on outreach with other standards bodies involved in HCD security issues --- Monitoring development of Common Criteria Hardcopy Device collaborative PP (cPP) and Supporting Document (SD) --- Looking at initiating interface with other standards efforts related to hardcopy devices -- IDS Conference Calls --- Restarted regular IDS conference calls --- Since last PWG F2F, IDS calls held on 9/17, 10/15, 10/29 --- Next IDS call tentatively scheduled for 11/12/20 -- HCD international Technical Committee (iTC) --- HCD iTC formally approved by CC Management Committee in February 2020 --- Since then bi-weekly HCD iTC Conference calls; Now shifted to weekly HCD iTC Conference calls --- Goal is to develop, review and publish an HCD cPP/SD v1.0 by Q4 2021 --- Will discuss the results of the multiple HCD iTC Meetings held since last IDS F2F and current HCD cPP/SD v1.0 status at IDS F2F Session on Wednesday 08/19/20 -- Will also discuss recent presentation given to INCITS on applying Common Criteria to 3D Printing -- Developing PWG HCD Security Guidelines to provide guidance on current security technology and security issues --- Will review the latest draft at the IDS F2F Session on Wednesday 11/04/20 * Next steps -- Next IDS call tentatively scheduled for 11/12/20 at 3pm US EDT
*** IPP WG (Ira McDonald) - see Plenary slides
* Current charter: -- http://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/charter/ch-ipp-charter-20170615.pdf * New draft charter: -- https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/wd/wd-ipp-charter-20201009-rev.pdf * Officers -- IPP WG Co-Chair: Paul Tykodi (TCS) -- IPP WG Co-Chair: Ira McDonald (High North) -- IPP WG Secretary: Michael Sweet (Lakeside Robotics) -- IPP WG Document Editors --- Ira McDonald (High North) - IPP WG Charter --- Michael Sweet (Lakeside Robotics) � IPP Encrypted Jobs and Documents v1.0, IPP Production Printing Extensions (PPX) v2.0, Job Accounting with IPP v1.0 --- Smith Kennedy (HP Inc.) � IPP Driverless Printing Extensions (NODRIVER) v2.0, IPP Encrypted Jobs and Documents v1.0, IPP Enterprise Printing Extensions (EPX) v2.0 * PWG Specifications in development -- IPP Encrypted Jobs and Documents v1.0 - Prototype Draft -- IPP Enterprise Printing Extensions v2.0 - Interim Draft -- IPP Driverless Printing Extensions v2.0 - Interim Draft -- IPP Production Printing Extensions v2.0 - Prototype Draft * IPP Best Practices in development -- Job Accounting with IPP v1.0 - Stable Draft, PWG Last Call * Recently published: -- IPP Label Printing Extensions v1.0 (registration) -- IPP System Service Discovery v1.0 (registration) -- PWG 5100.14-2020: IPP Everywhere v1.1 -- PWG 5100.16-2020: IPP Transaction-Based Printing Extensions v1.1 -- PWG 5100.20-2020: IPP Everywhere Printer Self-Certification Manual v1.1 * Up-to-date pending IANA registrations online -- http://www.pwg.org/ipp/ipp-registrations.xml -- Continue to maintain this in parallel for new specifications -- Github repository: https://github.com/istopwg/ippregistry * IPP Everywhere Printer Self-Certifications: -- https://www.pwg.org/printers -- 625 printers currently listed from HP and Lexmark -- Fifth 1.0 self-certification tools update released June 2020, approved August 2020 -- Second 1.1 self-certification tools update approved October 2020 * IPP Sample Code: -- Github repository: --- https://github.com/istopwg/ippsample -- Fork of CUPS code includes ipp3dprinter, ippeveprinter, ippfind, ippproxy, ippserver, ipptool, ipptransform, and ipptransform3d * Pending Errata: -- PWG 5100.1-2017 (Finishings v2.1): 3 issues -- PWG 5100.5-2019 (Document Object v1.1): 4 issues -- PWG 5100.6-2003 (Page Overrides v1.0): 2 issues -- PWG 5100.8-2003 ("-actuals" v1.0): 1 issue -- PWG 5100.9-2009 (Printer State Extensions v1.0): 2 issues -- PWG 5100.12-2015 (IPP 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2): 2 issues -- PWG 5100.15-2014 (FaxOut v1.0): 2 issues -- PWG 5100.18-2015 (Infrastructure Extensions v1.0): 5 issues -- PWG 5100.19-2015 (Implementor's Guide v2.0): 6 issues -- PWG 5100.22-2019 (System Service v1.0): 2 issues -- PWG 5107.3-2019 (MFD Alerts v1.1): 1 issue * In-Progress Errata: -- PWG 5100.3-2001 (Production Printing): 2 issues -- PWG 5100.11-2010 (JPS2 - Enterprise Printing): 7 issues -- PWG 5100.13-2012 (JPS3 - Driverless Printing): 15 issues * Next steps -- Next IPP conference call on Thursday 11/19/20, 12/03/20, 12/17/20 at 3pm US EDT
* Next TCG Members Meetings (face-to-face) -- TCG Virtual F2F � TBD dates February, June, October 2021 � Ira to call in * Trusted Mobility Solutions (TMS) - Ira is co-chair and co-editor -- Formal liaisons: GP (TEE / SE), ETSI (NFV / MEC), ATIS (5G security) -- Informal liaisons: 3GPP, GSMA, IETF, ISO, ITU-T, SAE, US NIST -- TCG TMS Use Cases v2 � published in September 2018 * Mobile Platform (MPWG) - Ira is co-editor -- Formal liaisons: GP (TEE / SE), ETSI (NFV / MEC), ATIS (5G security) -- TCG Runtime Integrity Preservation for Mobile Devices - published in November 2019 -- TCG Mobile Reference Architecture v2 � work-in-progress -- TCG TPM 2.0 Mobile Common Profile � work-in-progress -- PWG 5100.22-2019 (System Service v1.0): 2 issues * TCG Recent Specifications -- http://www.trustedcomputinggroup.org/resources -- TCG PC Client Platform Firmware Profile � review October 2020 -- TCG TPM 2.0 Keys for Device Identity Attestation � review October 2020 -- TCG DICE Attestation Architecture � review October 2020 -- TCG DICE Layering Architecture � July 2020 -- TCG Algorithm Registry r1.32 � June 2020 -- TCG TSS 2.0 Feature API (FAPI) � June 2020
*** Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) (Ira McDonald) - see Plenary slides
* Next IETF Members Meetings -- IETF 109 Virtual F2F � 16-20 November 2020 � Ira to call in -- IETF 110 Virtual F2F � 8-12 March 2021 � Ira to call in * Transport Layer Security (TLS) -- TLS 1.3 Extension Cert-Based Auth w/ Ext PSK � RFC 8773 � March 2020 --- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8773 -- Applying GREASE to TLS Extensibility � RFC 8701 � January 2020 --- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8701 -- TLS/1.3 � RFC 8446 � August 2018 --- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8446 -- DTLS/1.3 � draft-39 � November 2020 � IETF LC --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tls-dtls13/ -- TLS Encrypted Client Hello � draft-08- October 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tls-esni/ -- Hybrid key exchange in TLS 1.3 � draft-01 � October 2020 -- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tls-hybrid-design/ -- Deprecating TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 � draft-08 � October 2020 � IETF LC --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tls-oldversions-deprecate/ -- Deprecating MD5 and SHA-1 in TLS 1.2 � draft-04 � October 2020 � IETF LC --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tls-md5-sha1-deprecate/ -- Flags Extension for TLS 1.3 � draft-03 - July 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tls-tlsflags/ * Security Automation and Continuous Monitoring (SACM) -- SACM Architecture � draft-07 � September 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-sacm-arch/ -- Concise Software Identifiers � draft-15 � May 2020 � to IETF LC --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-sacm-coswid/ -- Endpoint Posture Collection Profile � draft-01 � February 2020 � to IETF LC --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-sacm-epcp/ * Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) -- CBOR Tags for Typed Arrays � RFC 8746 � February 2020 --- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8746 -- CBOR Sequences � RFC 8742 � February 2020 --- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8742 -- Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL) � RFC 8610 � June 2019 --- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8610 - JSON/CBOR schema -- CBORbis � draft-16 � September 2020 � RFC Editor --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-cbor-7049bis/ -- CBOR Tags for Date � draft-07 � September 2020 � RFC Editor --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-cbor-date-tag/ -- CBOR Tags for OIDs � draft-01 � September 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-cbor-tags-oid/ -- Packed CBOR � draft-00 � September 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-cbor-packed/ -- Additional Control Operators for CDDL � draft-00 � September 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-cbor-cddl-control/ * Remote ATtestation ProcedureS (RATS) -- RATS Architecture � draft-07 � October 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-rats-architecture/ -- Reference Interaction Models for RATS � draft-01 � October 2020 -- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-rats-reference-interactionmodels/ -- Attestation Event Stream Subscription � draft-01 � October 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-birkholz-rats-network-devicesubscription/ -- YANG Data Model for CHARRA using TPMs � draft-03 � September 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-rats-yang-tpm-charra/ -- TPM-based Network Device RIV � draft-04 � September 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-rats-tpm-based-network-device-attest/ -- Entity Attestation Token (EAT) � draft-04 � August 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-rats-eat/ -- Trustworthiness Vectors for SUIT Workflow Model � draft-00 � July 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-birkholz-rats-suit-claims/ -- Time-Based Uni-Directional Attestation � draft-03 � July 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-birkholz-rats-tuda/ -- CBOR Tag for Unprotected CWT Claims Sets � draft-01 � June 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-birkholz-rats-uccs/ -- Trusted Path Routing � draft-00 � June 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-voit-rats-trustworthy-path-routing/ -- MUD-Based RATS Resources Discovery � draft-00 � March 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-birkholz-rats-mud/ * IRTF Crypto Forum Research Group (CFRG) - future algorithms -- Randomness for Security Protocols � RFC 8937 � October 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc8937/ -- Hybrid Public Key Encryption � draft-06 � October 2020 � RG LC --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-hpke/ -- Hashing to Elliptic Curves � draft-10 � October 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve/ -- The ristretto255 and decaf448 Groups � draft-00 � October 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-ristretto255-decaf448/ -- Pairing-Friendly Curves � draft-08 � September 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-pairing-friendly-curves/ -- OPAQUE Asymmetric PAKE Protocol � � draft-00 � September 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-opaque/ -- KangarooTwelve � draft-04 � September 2020 � RG LC --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-kangarootwelve/ -- Usage Limits on AEAD Algorithms � draft-01 � September 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-aead-limits/ -- SPAKE2, a PAKE � draft-13 � September 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-spake2/ -- Memory-hard Argon2 Password Hash � draft-12 � September 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-argon2/ -- Cpace Balanced Composable PAKE � draft-00 � July 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-cpace/ -- Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions (OPRFs) � draft-04 � July 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-voprf/ -- Transition from Classical to Post-Quantum Cryptography � draft-07 � May 2020 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-hoffman-c2pq/
*** Linux Foundation OpenPrinting (Ira McDonald) - see Plenary slides
* Linux Foundation OP Google Summer of Code 2020 -- https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc -- GSoC 2020 coding completed on 31 August 2020 * Linux Foundation OP Google Season of Docs 2020 -- https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs -- GSoD 2020 documentation projects in progress * Linux Foundation OP Mentorship Program 2020 -- https://communitybridge.org/ -- LFMP 2020 IPP Scan and IPP FaxOut projects in progress * Linux Foundation OP New Website -- https://openprinting.github.io/ -- https://openprinting.github.io/news/ -- Driverless Printing pages w/ PWG IPP Everywhere� logo --- https://openprinting.github.io/driverless/01-standards-and-their-pdls/ -- OP website issues page --- https://github.com/OpenPrinting/openprinting.github.io/issues
*** Mopria (Smith Kennedy) - see Plenary slides
* Mopria liaison to PWG : Michael Rhines (Qualcomm) * New 2-year liaison agreement signed 3 April 2020 * PWG Chair to present at the November 2020 Mopria Member Meeting
*** INCITS TC (Paul Tykodi) - see Plenary slides
* PWG / INCITS TC Liaison established 15 April 2020 * Paul Tykodi will represent the PWG in INCITS TC activities * INCITS Digital Manufacturing Technical Committee -- The IEEE-ISTO Printer Working Group has established a liaison relationship with INCITS Digital Manufacturing Technical Committee https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200505006085/en/InterNational-Committee-Information-Technology-Standards-INCITS-IEEEISTO. --- The INCITS Digital Manufacturing Technical Committee meets monthly (third Tuesday of the month from 12pm to 2pm US EDT) -- The INCITS TC has asked Paul Tykodi to determine whether PWG members would potentially be willing to participate in two different focused discussions to be held in 15 September 2020 and 20 October 2020 INCITS meetings: --- 15 September 2020 � Discuss whether 3D PDF could possibly be considered as a candidate for a future 3D CAD Data Transfer Standard --- 20 October 2020 � Discuss the possible benefits in creating cybersecurity Common Criteria Protection Profiles for 3D printers -- The INCITS Digital Manufacturing TC is the current US TAG for ISO/IEC JTC 1 WG 12 (3D Printing and Scanning). The Printer Working Group is monitoring the activities of JTC 1 WG 12 via the INCITS liaison relationship. --- ISO/IEC JTC 1 WG 12 3D Printing and Scanning eCommittee - https://www.web3d.org/sites/default/files/attachment/node/2326/edit/06_ByoungNamLee_JTC1_WG12_report_3D_Printing_and_ScanningSeoulJanuary2019.pdf
*** 3D / Additive Manufacturing Liaisons (Paul Tykodi) - see Plenary slides
* America Makes & ANSI Additive Manufacturing Standardization Collaborative (AMSC) -- https://www.ansi.org/standards_activities/standards_boards_panels/amsc/Default?menuid=3 -- The IEEE-ISTO Printer Working Group is participating in the AMSC initiative * ASTM Committee F42 on Additive Manufacturing Technologies -- https://www.astm.org/COMMITTEE/F42.htm -- The IEEE-ISTO Printer Working Group standardization efforts intersect with the activities of at least two ASTM F42 subcommittees: --- Subcommittee F42.08 Data --- Subcommittee F42.91 Terminology -- The purpose of the liaison agreement is to keep the standardization efforts of ASTM F42 and the IEEE-ISTO PWG synchronized in areas where both organizations are actively working. * 3MF Consortium -- https://www.3mf.io
*** Possible Future 3D / Additive Manufacturing Liaisons (Paul Tykodi) - see Plenary slides
* PDF Association - https://www.pdfa.org/ -- Paul Tykodi has been asked by the 3D PDF Consortium and PDF Association to chair an ad hoc for ISO TC171 SC2. The purpose of the ad hoc is to investigate how PDF files support 3D content stored within them and to make possible recommendations for enhancing future ISO 32000 (PDF standard) support for metadata describing 3D content placed into a PDF file. -- The PDF Association has taken over the role of US TAG for ISO TC171 SC2 from the 3D PDF Consortium. Paul Tykodi was asked to join the PDF Consortium as a member, in order to be allowed to create a PDF Association liaison working group, in support of the information gathering needs of the ad hoc. Once the ad hoc completes its efforts, the longer-term strategy for the PWG would likely be to create a liaison with the PDF Association. * ISO TC171 SC2 WG12 (PDF Metadata) - https://www.iso.org/committee/53674.html -- The IEEE-ISTO Printer Working Group has been asked to form a Category C liaison with ISO TC171 SC2 in order to participate in a new foundational metadata for 3D content contained in a PDF file standardization effort to be undertaken by WG12. This request is currently on hold pending the outcome of the research to be performed by the ad hoc described above. * Society of Manufacturing Engineers (iRAMP) � www.sme.org/iramp/ -- Interactive Rapid Additive Manufacturing Portal